our services

The advancement of Education
The advancement of education improves the confidence and communication of the society. Soora implements and runs weekly English sessions for the adults and parents suffered language barrier. The language enable the person to help him-self and his family and also work search opportunities.
The advancement of education and training of those in the community who are in need thereof so as to advance them in life and assist them to adapt within the wider community was one of the activities and services delivered to the local communities in Walsall and Birmingham. Soora in collaboration with Walsall Council initiated free English training course for adults who struggling with English speaking, reading, writing or understanding. The course intended for beginners and will start from English alphabetical letters up to entry level one. This project is intended to focus the people with low English skills including refugee and migrants in Walsall and Birmingham. suitable sessions were delivered so as the participants understand smoothly and also is a part of the social integration and community cohesion. 90% of the expected outcome were achieved in 2019/2020 and 2021.

Community Cohesion, Integration and diversity
Community cohesion create opportunities for social mixing and interactions between people from a wider range of backgrounds by introducing cultural events and targeted activities. the enable that the different communities need to speak out and understand each other. the advancement of education improves the confidence and communication of the society. Soora is committed to strength community cohesion and integration of the different communities in Birmingham and West midlands in general, the reason of the events is to promote the relationship and communication between local communities with different backgrounds and different culture, the goal of this project to advocate our community to integrate and respect all communities also to understand all human being are same right. we encouraged the community to take part the activities in the area supporting their live. The community cohesion is the best way to ensure that there are equal opportunities for all to succeed at the highest level possible and working to eliminate variations in outcomes for different groups and provides reasonable means for children, young people, their friends and families to interact with people from different backgrounds and build positive relations

The advancement of health & wellbeing
The COVID-19 Community Champions Programme is primarily aimed at supporting residents from under-represented groups who may be most at risk of covid-19. The objectives of the program were to help increase vaccination uptake
Prevent the spread of COVID-19
Tackle the spread of misinformation around COVID-19 and the vaccine. Reduce the impact of the virus on families, neighbourhoods and wider communities and improve the mental and physical health and wellbeing of individuals.The Walsall Council created a diverse network of covid-19 ‘Community Champions’ who can help address misconceptions and myths and amplify truths around the virus and the vaccine, make sure that everyone in Walsall has the information they need to stay safe, help to reduce the spread of covid-19 and ultimately save lives. Soora was part of the community champions project which the government of UK intended for to approach and mobilise the people door to door. The community champions are providing vital support in the centre of their communities, from engaging with residents about the vaccination process, to providing interpretation and translation. Anyone aged over 18+ can now receive their COVID-19 vaccination. The target beneficiaries intended to engage this project but not exclusively are mainly refugees and migrants originally from six different nations such as Somalis, Sudanese, Eritrean, Ethiopian, Yemenis and Syrian and other communities. Soor’s volunteers approached nearly 800 individuals in 2020/2021 in Walsall to persuade the vaccination intake. we provided the latest covid-19 information packs and up-to-date advice and guidance to share with families, friends and their local community, alongside examples of those vaccinated to help them do so. Soora provided advice on how to stay safe and slow the spread of the virus, details about what extra support is available locally and facts to address misinformation and myths about vaccination. This charitable undertaken inspired many unvaccinated individuals to trust and then visit their GP to take the vaccine.
Hardship Support
The relief of financial hardship, Isolation and disadvantaged persons in the community: implemented welfare and work project, this project improved financial stability and self-sufficiency for the vulnerable individuals and families visit our community Centre in Birmingham east (Small heath and surroundings) who are struggling with everyday problems associated with living on low income, navigating the welfare benefits system and the threat of debt. provided mentoring support sessions to those want to make online employment applications, accessing Job search pages etc.
This charitable project strengthened financial stability for the vulnerable people visit our community Centre in Birmingham east (Small heath and surroundings) who are struggling with everyday problems associated with living on low income, navigating the welfare benefits system and the threat of debt in addition introduced and updated the government reforms to the benefits system such as Universal credit, Bedroom tax or PIP. provided mentoring support sessions to those wish to make online employment applications or accessing Job search pages. delivered extensive support using IT to the low-income individuals who do not have access to the Internet at home. presented advice and guidance to clients who are being affected by the complexities of the Benefits system and are being impacted by Government Welfare reforms. We allocated professional community support-workers who experienced the method of filling forms, medical advising for booked to attend medical assessments, disability Living Allowance or Employment Support Allowance for the Small heath community. produced a booklet specifying essential designating information written in English, Arabic & Somali languages for many new arrivals that came our Community Centre for help. This booklet included a section describing how to access free resources such as Where to learn English, secure a NI number, free interpreting, homeless support to those want seek housing in the “Social” & private rented sector, register with NHS, find a school place for children. This project enhanced the lives of many adults and youth in small heath residents and we hope to continue until all the community have similar live opportunists.
Improving food security and resilience
Soora has mandate to undertake humanitarian and development interventions in Somaliland and Somalia. Soora with its partner Soydavo (Local NGO) started the implementation of the project of “Improving food security and resilience of drought affected host communities and IDPs in Daad-Madheedh region, Somaliland, through sustainable livelihoods interventions. Somaliland is an autonomous region in northern Somalia, which broke away and declared independence from Somalia in 1991 but internationally considered as part of Somalia. The overall aim of this project was to significantly improve rural water supply and climate resilience, and alleviate poverty in eastern Somaliland marginalized drylands through scaling up the use of sand dams. a unique, multi-use rainwater harvesting solution designed to capture and store rainwater, making water available year-round for rural communities. A sand dam is a reinforced rubble cement wall built across a seasonal sandy valley. we contracted three sand dams in 3 selected areas along the valley of Daad-Madheedh region, all three dams are stone-masonry dams built of concrete blocks of (mix of cement, sand and crashed stones) with average dimension of 60m long, 1.5m wide, 1.5m high and 1.5 deep to the earth. The second activity of the project was Planting Trees. The Ministry of Environment & Climate change of Somaliland contributed 3000 Tree saplings including Seed Nutrients and shading trees, this sapling is intended for to increase yields to improve food security and reduce climate impact. The saplings were distributed for 4 selected districts and 8 surrounding villages including (Odweyne, Khatumo, Haro-Sheikh, Balli-Hresi, Arrale, Abdi-dhere, Gudubi, Hahi, Dhobo-Weyne, galoley, berato & Shaarub). This project Increased and reliable access source of water for the local community for their domestic chores as well as their livestock. Secondly Strengthened resilience by the local community as more time will be created for other productive work which may be directly linked to the sand dam such as small irrigation for vegetable production, use of the water for bricks making that can later be sold.
other Services
Soora provides free counselling/Advice and Mentoring sessions for the young people and older people.
support people with mental health conditions
support the young children with special needs
Poor families and disadvantaged people to reduce Poverty and loneliness
We support homeless people and rough sleepers by referring them to housing associations and hostels
We also provide weekly safety awareness session to prevent crimes and social behaviour for the young people.
mentoring and volunteering opportunities are one of the methods use for young people to avoid knife crimes & street gangs
8 Years Experience
5 Star Rating
Quick Turnaround
Dedicated Support